Thursday, April 19, 2012

Insect Cookbook

Seventy percent of the worlds agricultural land is taken up by meat production.  Insects could be the a solution to satisfy the growing population.  There are reportedly 1800 species of insects that are suitable for human consumption. They are easier to breed than pigs, chickens, and cows and a lot lower maitenance.  One kilo of insect meat takes one twelfth of the food needed to make a kilo of beef. 

Locust cakes and mealworm muffins can actually be found in an Insect Cookbook written by Dutch cook Henk van Gurp.  He warns that the insects crawling out in your garden are not the ones to use due to the pesticides that we use which makes them hard for the human body to digest.

I do not find this at all appetizing.  But in a starving country, insects could very well be a solution for people to get the protein that they need. 

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